Free admission subject to collecting INVITATIONS (2 per person) available at ticket offices and on the Internet from 11:00 a.m. on Friday, January 3
‘Anverso/Reverso’ is a series of short monologues with very specific dynamics that involve an author of reference whose figure and work acquires new significance thanks to the vision of contemporary authors. In other words, the Obverse is the author of reference and the Reverse is the monologue produced by a creator from an artistic discipline.
2024 marked the hundredth anniversary of the death of Franz Kafka, and his literature is as pertinent as ever, perhaps due to the variables of the present; a time, in the words of the writer Andrés Neuman, that abuses Kafka, as the former reflects in this fragment from one of the last books he has prefaced: “It is not so much that his work explains the time we have had to resist, but rather that reality itself insists on becoming increasingly Kafkaesque, in a dark mimesis like a cockroach: By plagiarizing his logic, the world abuses Kafka”.
Kafka construed literature as the space that must be inhabited through tension and conflict with oneself and with the times one inhabits. Art consists of challenging the word. And the world must be a conflict that perhaps cannot be resolved. With this point of view, it may be easier to understand this famous phrase that Kafka wrote in one of his diaries: “I am literature”.
15 minutes per monologue
EL SHOW DE FRANZ [Franz’s show]
Author Álvaro Campos Suárez
Performer Eduardo Duro
Humour has become an inflammable material. Nearly as much as the Kafkaesque thoughts presented in this monologue, wrapped in the postulates of stand-up comedy. Companions, lovers, obsessions and failures verbalised by an uncontrolled Kafka.
Author Antonio Luque
Performer David Mena
There are ways of staying in places which, in fact, are ways of leaving. And vice-versa. An uncomfortable city that does not recognise itself and a musician, in constant movement, who leaves, although in fact he never stayed. An artist who travels through the ruins of a culture and the flames of culture.
RUIDO KAFKA [Kafka noise]
Author Greta García
Performer Marity Manzanera
What do we think if what we think comes from others? If we convert a lie that is repeated one hundred times into the truth, and if that lie seeks to demolish art, what is useful? Are we all useless? The Kafka noise is the noise of our times.
KAFKA Y EL VUELO [Kafka and flight]
Author Clara Obligado
Performer Carmen Baquero
«Against the weight of living, the lightness of literature». What is the weight of the exercise of literature in the experience of our lives, what type of impact does it exercise on reality? What track or beat? Life has become multitude of flights. The aim is to determine which is the right one.
Free admission subject to collecting INVITATIONS (2 per person) available at ticket offices and on the Internet from 11:00 a.m. on Friday, January 3