Price 20€ (single price)
Feelgood Teatro
Author Pablo Díaz Morilla
With Víctor Elías and Javier Márquez
Stage direction Fran Perea
1.10 h (w/out intermission)
photo ©Somnes Creative
Who is Víctor Elías?
Almost everyone remembers him as the middle brother of Los Serrano and a toilet brush quickly springs to mind... But Elías, as well as being an actor, is many other things and, above all, he is a musician, an excellent musical director who has worked with the biggest names on the Spanish music scene. But Víctor is also a very special guy and has had a very special life. In #YoSostenido. Sonata para juguete roto he will talk to us about his condition of broken toy, about his special relationship with his parents... About how there are lives that have a logical order and others, like his, more disordered and chaotic. He was a professional actor at the age of 6, a drifting ship at 20, a guy who has fought to fulfil his dreams at 30... In this tragicomedy he will undress.
The origins of the company Feelgood Teatro stem from the friendship of a group of actors and actresses and their love of theatre. The current members are Fran Perea, Ainhoa Santamaría and Javier Márquez, successors of the original company enTRAMAdos Teatro, which successfully performed the play Feelgood, by Alistair Beaton, demonstrating that a ridiculous idea in a van thrown in the air on the way to a performance can become reality. This was followed by La estupidez, by Rafael Spregelburg, El ciclista utópico, by Alberto de Casso and two productions on tour by Factoría Echagaray: Souvenir and Mitad del mundo, both by Pablo Díaz Morilla.
Price 20€ (single price)